François Cahour is one of the absolute masters of R/C slope aerobatics flying, having been involved in the hobby for four decades. His...
Category : Aerobatic Theory & Design

New article: Patterns and Flow – Improvisation in Slope Aerobatics
Inspired by a great question I received from rockyabp in the How to build a Swiss Fish thread, I wrote an article addressing the concepts...

Surfimp’s VTPR Clinic From WeaselFest 2012
I provided this VTPR Clinic on Sunday at WeaselFest 2012 in celebration of the 5th anniversary of this website (launched in March 2007)....

Slopium ready for maiden!
The Slopium prototype is finished and it looks fantastic! This plane use the very cool “Twincam” elevator control linkage and...

Madcam in action!
I really like the looks of this! How exciting!!! I plan to use one of these on my forthcoming ExCali prototype. Should be very, very...

New! Twincam elliptical Madstab pulleys
Now this is exciting! Vincent “Prop-er” of has come up with a really innovative solution to the biggest problem...

Original Air-100 article from Looping Magazine
And a third classic French VTPR glider article graces this site, courtesy once again Laurent Berlivet of Jivaro Models. The Air-100 is...

Futuristic VTPR slope aerobatics
The above is a frontside 360* air performed by a surfer. Pretty sweet move, until recently mostly seen only in skateboarding and...

The original Excalibur article from Looping magazine
Rémi Le Besque, one of the starring pilots from the famous Ménez-Hom 2005 VTPR video, has been kind enough to share with me scans of...

New slope aerobatics design article by James Hammond, designer of the Vector III and Minivec!
Very pleased to announce that James Hammond, designer of the Vector III and Minivec, has been kind enough to write up an article about...

X-Centric: Knife Edge Testbed
X-Centric I slope soarer from Cliff Hanger on Vimeo. The irrepressible Cliff Hanger’s very interesting “X-Centric”...