I’ve had the great fortune to visit Spain again, and this time I brought my Weasel-Evo along. I contacted a friend I met on my last...
Category : General
Le Fish
An oldie but goodie…. this shot of the original prototype Le Fish was taken by Jeret Lemontt in 2007 at the Ruins here in Santa...
SlopeAerobatics.com v2 Launches!
I’m pleased to announce that SlopeAerobatics.com is back and better than ever! I’ve switched from Drupal to WordPress as well...
SlopeAerobatics.com featured in the UK's RCM&E
SlopeAerobatics.com has been featured in Andy Ellison’s On The Edge column in the latest issue of RCM&E, one of the UK’s...
SlopeAerobatics.com Store Now Open
The SlopeAerobatics.com Store has officially launched and features a range of clothing and hardgoods for your browsing pleasure. All...
BPLR's Blog
Just picked up this link to BPLR’s blog… lots of cool stuff on there, mostly powered but we all know how much he does with...
1st Toons to the US?
4m Toons alongside 2m Voltij – photo borrowed from Aeromod I am currently working with Alexis Maréchal from Aeromod and Tom Copp...
Cool Website: Voltige & Planeur
I picked up the link to this site by François Cahour while browsing the Planet-Soaring Yahoo Group mailing list. Looks like it has some...