François Cahour’s Troll is possibly the most well-rounded aerobatics glider I have seen to date. It can fly classical figures with...
Tag : Madflight

Kulbutin smooth & flippy
Kulbutin Smooth & Flippy from Phil Taylor on Vimeo. A new one from Phil Taylor: “Finally a chance to get the Kulbutin going in...

New article: Patterns and Flow – Improvisation in Slope Aerobatics
Inspired by a great question I received from rockyabp in the How to build a Swiss Fish thread, I wrote an article addressing the concepts...

Black Hills Reprise
Black Hills Reprise from surfimp on Vimeo. My latest… I’ve got multiflips on lock thanks to finally running a pull-pull...

Smooth & Casual
Smooth & Casual from surfimp on Vimeo. Another video from my session the other day. This one features longer cuts set to jazz music...

Birmingham Rollers: the Madflight Experts of the Avian World
Big thanks to Ian “Daemon” Frechette for this super cool video!! How awesome is this? 🙂

Madcam in action!
I really like the looks of this! How exciting!!! I plan to use one of these on my forthcoming ExCali prototype. Should be very, very...

The Edge by Future Slope Designs
Flying the Edge from Paige Anderson on Vimeo. A great video of Paige Anderson’s newest glider for VTPR and voltige totale, the...

New! Twincam elliptical Madstab pulleys
Now this is exciting! Vincent “Prop-er” of has come up with a really innovative solution to the biggest problem...

KONA180° VTPR aerobatics glider
Benny Wachtelaer of Belgium has created a really cool new wood fuselage with sheeted wing 1.8m VTPR glider called the KONA 180°. It has...