MadSagitta from Phil Taylor on Vimeo. This is a classic and important video. Back in 2008, Phil was the first to take on the challenge of...
Tag : Madflight

Futuristic VTPR slope aerobatics
The above is a frontside 360* air performed by a surfer. Pretty sweet move, until recently mostly seen only in skateboarding and...

German Multiflips!
Segler mit +-90° HLW-Ausschlag am Hang from Dietrich Meissner on Vimeo. Zee Germans are coming! Dietrich Meissner of Bayern has...

MadStab 200°+ lasercut servo pulleys now available!
Doug Montgomery of Glendale, Arizona has started producing laser cut servo pulleys / wheels that can be used to create a 200°+ rotation...

Slope Aerobatics with Le Fish “Light”
Slope Aerobatics with Le Fish “Light” from Dawson Henderson on Vimeo. Dawson is really pushing the limits now… using a...

More American Multiflips!
Floops, Loops and Dupes – Axis 60 from Paige Anderson on Vimeo. Big congrats to Paige Anderson of Future Slope Designs for being...

Light Air Aerobatics with Le Fish LT
Light Air Aerobatics with Le Fish LT, 07-19-11 from Dawson Henderson on Vimeo. More audiovisual goodness from Dawson!

Flippin’ Out with Dawson
Le Flip… beyond the douple from Dawson Henderson on Vimeo. Success! We finally have video proof of true Madslide-style multi-flips,...

Sunset Session – light wind VTPR, Ellwood style
Sunset Session from surfimp on Vimeo. Fun session last night at Peter’s Bowl, Ellwood Mesa. I’ve got the programming on the...

First Madflights with the MadSwissFish
MadSwissFish – First Madflights from surfimp on Vimeo. I built a new Le Fish, this time using the ultralightweight techniques...

Extreme Gliders’ Extra – madflight capable PSSer!
slope tumbles from John Scahill on Vimeo. extra from John Scahill on Vimeo. Here’s something new and cool! This PSS-style glider is...