A really fun video of François Cahour flying his prototype Catrax at Aiguille Croche and Mont Clocher in the Beaufortain, French Alps....
Tag : Quartz

1st VTPR Glider Rally at the Ménez-Hom
Received this wonderful new video from Damien Didier, featuring of the first VTPR glider rally held at the world-famous Ménez-Hom in...

Quartz VTPR at the Ménez-Hom in Brittany, France
Damien of the Association Vol de Pente au Ménez-Hom has sent a cool new video of his Quartz flying on the south slope of the beautiful...

François and the Quartz: shredding in the Alps
The latest from François Cahour, putting his Quartz through its paces in the French Alps. Such wonderful flying, such a joy to watch...

Le Quartz à Chassenoud
More video of the Quartz, demonstrating its complete mastery of all kinds of aerobatic flight. It is one of the most well-rounded and...

Le Chant du Quartz
From Fred, the moderator of GliderIreland.net, a great Irish modelling forum: “Here is a video of Francois Cahour, trying a new...