A really great video by the one and only Dawson Henderson of Flagstaff, Arizona, flying the Ahi in good conditions at Mormon Lake...
Tag : Voltige Totale

Dream Flight Ahi Freestyle
Picked up this video from the Dream-Flight Ahi thread on RCGroups. Miguel Navarro puts the Ahi through a very nice 3D-influenced sequence...

Dream Flight Ahi Flight Video
This was my fourth flying session with my new Dream Flight Ahi. I love it! The late afternoon sun was kind of a bummer, but hopefully the...

Dream Flight Ahi Review
My first impressions of the Ahi are really positive. I’ve flown the plane three times now, in a variety of conditions from light to...

Dream-Flight Ahi
Now here’s a glider I’ve been dreaming of for a very long time!! I’m so happy to see what Michael has come up with, and...

Flip Central with pgts
Flip central, vrille en sortie de renversement, & autres… from pgts on Vimeo. I’m loving this Troll! Great flying by pgts...

Troll aerobatics at sunset
Troll aerobatics at sunset from pgts on Vimeo. A fantastic video of Stéphane ‘pgts’ Combet flying a Troll at sunset…...

Excalibur vol patrouille (formation flying)
Another great new video from Didier HAMON, this time showing a couple Excaliburs flying formation aerobatics. Very nice!

François Cahour’s Troll
François Cahour’s Troll is possibly the most well-rounded aerobatics glider I have seen to date. It can fly classical figures with...

Topmodel Swish Patrol
Nice formation flying by two Topmodel Swish gliders. Looks like a lot of fun – thanks Didier Hamon for sending the video link!

New SnowflaK video!
De temps en temps… – SnowflaK @ Montvalent from pgts on Vimeo. Fun new video of Stéphane ‘pgts’ Combet’s...

Le Flyer de juju_47 au Cirque de Montvalent
Le Flyer de juju_47 au Cirque de Montvalent from pgts on Vimeo. A beautiful video of the Flyer by Julien aka juju_47 performing some very...