Joël from France has sent me a cool new video of an Ippon glider flying VTPR and aerobatics at the Ménez-Hom. Very nice!! 🙂
Tag : Voltige Totale

Le Fish at Hermanus, South Africa
Le Fish – Hermanus 02-02-14 from Tokkie Carstens on Vimeo. Very nice vid by Tokkie Carstens from the southern hemisphere! 🙂

Faveur d’Hiver
Faveur d’Hiver from pgts on Vimeo. A new one from Stéphane “pgts” Combet featuring his own-design SnowflaK all-wood...

Two new videos from the French master François Cahour
Great flying in the French Alps by François Cahour with his own-design scratchbuilt Troll aerobatics glider!!

Jean-Marc Zuliani’s “Best of RC glider – Slope soaring 2013”
Every year around holiday time, Jean-Marc likes to produce a “best of” video of his previous year of flying. As always, this...

Scale MDM-1 Fox Aerobatics
Fox over Moel Famau from Phil Taylor on Vimeo. A very nice video from Phil Taylor of Paul J (Slopeangel) flying his 3m scale Fox over...

Little SnowflaK In Big Mountain
Little SnowflaK In Big Mountain from pgts on Vimeo. Another beautiful video of Stéphane “pgts” Combet’s wonderful...

New SNOWFLAK video – Méandres vélivoles
Méandres vélivoles from pgts on Vimeo. Stéphane “pgts” Combet has produced another great video with his own-design,...

The SnowflaK Flies!
SnowflaK – Uncut maiden flight with bad filming from pgts on Vimeo. Stéphane “pgts” Combet of France has maidened his...

Fox Akrobatik
Some very nice video from Sebald Modellbau (creators of the Aroso series of Depron aerobatics gliders) of a 3.75m Rödel Modellbau MDM-1...

Tokkie’s Le Fish in South Africa
LE Fish – Signal Hill 28-04-13 from Tokkie Carstens on Vimeo. Really nice videos of Tokkie Carsten’s Le Fish flying in some...

Aeromod Voltij at the Ruins
Karl “BigSwede” Lindstrom got some really nice shots of my 7+ year old Aeromod Voltij flying at the Ruins yesterday...