Wasabi Precision Aerobatics Practice from surfimp on Vimeo. Had a lovely afternoon up in the mountains yesterday with my FL Bird Works...
Tag : Voltige Totale

The latest from Jean-Marc Zuliani!
Rando planeur en Provence from Jean-Marc Zuliani on Vimeo. Jean-Marc has had a great summer of filming and now we all get to benefit!...

Stingray on the Crest
The latest from Roger “Cliff Hanger” Brown of South Wales. Very nice flying with his XModels Stingray in great lift!

Eagle Butte Slope Impressions 2012
Some great flying from Sam Pilebuck and others at the recent Eagle Butte Slope Jamboree. Nice smooth lift and beautiful molded gliders...

4m Baudis Salto at Caher Conree
Cool video from Chris van Schoor of Ireland flying his beautiful 4m Baudis Salto in nice lift 🙂

Cornetto il Sacro Monte del modellista
Oh man, this video is fantastic… there is a tremendous slope aerobatics scene going on in Italy and this video is a wonderful...

Traditional vs Ultralight Le Fish Compared in Flight
Traditional vs Ultralight Builds of Le Fish Aerobatics Glider from surfimp on Vimeo. Got a chance to fly Ellwood in 12-15mph wind, which...

Akhenaton now available at Silencemodel.fr
The kit for the very cool Akhenaton all wood (‘tout bois’) aerobatics glider is now available through Silencemodel.fr. The...

Dawson, back in the day… Le Fish on Mt. Elden, 6-13-07
Le Fish on Mt Elden, Flagstaff, AZ 06-13-07 from Dawson Henderson on Vimeo. Dawson recently uploaded this “old” footage of...

The Acro EPP aerobat – 2m, 33oz
Acro from John Scahill on Vimeo. This is the Acro, a 2m, 33oz EPP scratchbuilt design by Don Link being flown by his son Justin Link at...

Wings And More Stingray at Rhossili
Andy B Stingray from Cliff Hanger on Vimeo. Some nice footage by Rog aka Cliff Hanger of Andy B’s Wings And More Stingray at...