Valenta Cappuccino slope soaring from Cliff Hanger on Vimeo. Here’s the Valenta Cappuccino flying in some fantastic lift at...
Tag : Voltige Totale

Flips and Spins with Le Fish Light by Dawson
Flips and Spins with Le Fish Light from Dawson Henderson on Vimeo. Another cool new video from Dawson. He’s flying his lightweight...

Composite 40″ Wingspan Le Fish Scratchbuild
Le Fish 40″ from Rhys Porter on Vimeo. Rhys Porter of Australia has built and flown this very cool 40″ wingspan Le Fish...

More Colombian slope aerobatics
Le Fish at Ruitoque’s Mountains from temerario on Vimeo. So it turns out there’s a pretty good aerobatics scene in Colombia!...

F3B Tomahawk
Some really smooth flying, including some very highspeed VTPR, performed in strong 30mph wind with a Tomahawk F3B ship. Sweet!

The Poisson with full ballast in strong wind
Another great Poisson vid from PGTS… this time with full ballast in strong wind!! 🙂

VTPR and Slope Aerobatics Facebook Group Created
I’ve gone ahead and created a Facebook Group for VTPR and Slope Aerobatics. It’ll be a nice and easy way for us to share cool...

Quark 2m
Quark 2M – Raw video from loopingfred on Vimeo. LoopingFred, owner of the website, has recently uploaded a new...

Kona 180º Flies!
Great footage of Benny Wachtelaer’s Kona 180º on its maiden flights! It looks like it really flies nice, glides beautifully and...

New Aroso video
Aroso from rainer peters on Vimeo. Fun new Aroso video… good times. I hope they continue to explore the bench railslide hinted at...

Cody Remington
Slopesoaring Best front side close-up acro from Thomas Rauber on Vimeo. 20090723 Cody Remington from MVSA Club on Vimeo. Some clips of...

Espadita ripping it up
Espadita am Hang from Thomas Rauber on Vimeo. Espadita in 5-6BFT from Thomas Rauber on Vimeo. A beautiful Jaro Mueller Espadita ripping...